David silcox obituary michigan
David silcox obituary michigan
David silcox obituary michigan state!
About The Author
David P. Silcox
David P. Silcox has enjoyed a long and distinguished career in the arts, his positions ranging from the first Senior Arts Officer of the Canada Council for the Arts and Associate Dean, Faculty of Fine Art, York University, to federal Assistant Deputy Minister of Communications (Culture) and Ontario Deputy Minister, Culture and Communications.
Most recently he was president of Sotheby’s Canada for twelve years. He has also written major prize-winning books, including Painting Place: The Life and Work of David B. Milne; The Group of Seven and Tom Thomson; and, with Harold Town, the groundbreaking Tom Thomson: The Silence and the Storm.
In addition, he is the author of many articles and catalogues about Canadian art and artists.
Silcox has founded several important performing arts events in theatre, music, dance, and the visual arts in Canada.
He has served on the boards of more than thirty cultural organizations, including the Stratfor