Lorenzo ghiberti artworks studio

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    Lorenzo ghiberti artworks studio

  • Lorenzo ghiberti artworks studio gallery
  • Artworks studio hopedale ma
  • What was lorenzo ghiberti famous for
  • Lorenzo ghiberti interesting facts
  • Biography

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    Lorenzo Ghiberti will always be most famous for creating the bronze doors of the Baptistery of Florence, nicknamed by Michelangelo as the Gates of Paradise, but this biography outlines his path from prodigy to respected master

    Goldsmith apprenticeships were common routes into the artistic industry during the early Renaissance, a path also taken by two of his pupils, Donatello and Filippo Brunelleschi.

    Lorenzo's training came directly from his father, Bartoluccio, who was already well respected in this field.

    The budding artist spent his teens learning the techniques of smithery before stepping out from his father's shadow to start to begin building his own reputation.

    His apprenticeship at the Silk and Gold Guild would continue to expand his technical knowledge and he would eventually reach the title of guild master goldsmith. Ghiberti was 20 at this point and immediately move