Agama purnomo yusgiantoro center
Agama purnomo yusgiantoro center
Purnomo yusgiantoro center...
The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center
The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) is a non-profit organization devoted to independent and in-depth research leading to the provision of policy solutions and/or recommendations in the field of energy, natural resources, and national defense in local, national, and global levels.
PYC places a great emphasis on current issues and challenges in energy, natural resources, and national defense sectors in order to help Indonesia have a significant impact on its sustainable development.
Playing a significant role in these sectors, PYC regularly conducts research projects and publishes them in various forms such as research reports, podcasts, infographics, opinions, and data center.
PYC also holds events to disseminate knowledge and discussions, such as national and international forums, workshops and conferences.
PYC has also engaged with key external stakeholders, academicians and the young generation by organizing national and international seminars.