Famous person in history biography of truett

  • Famous person in history biography of truett
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    Pastor, University President, SBC Leader - 1867 to 1944
        Young George Washington Truett followed his parents to Whitewright, Texas, where he joined a local Baptist congregation.  In a short time, the leadership and people of the church became very much impressed with his teaching and speaking abilities.  He was elected to be their Sunday school superintendant.  The young man would also take the pulpit in the pastor's absence.
       Even though Truett had enrolled in the Grayson Junior College, the Whitewright congregation had 
    other plans toput his gifts to work for God. 
    The membership of the church encouraged him to consider God's calling to the ministry.  So much were they convinced regarding his talents and abilities that they urged him to be ordained on a Saturday in 1890 and then did so on Sunday.
       Little did they know that their being used of God to spur Truett on to enter the