Biography of a late father

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    Biography of a late father

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  • Funeral Biography of a Father
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  • Sample biography of a deceased person pdf
  • Biography of father and mother
  • As I've already mentioned online somewhere, my father died in late November. His memorial service will be held in February, at the church he attended. I wrote up a short biography for the pastors at the church to refer to in their eulogy (or whatever it is called that is read out at a memorial service) and I thought I'd post it here too, as a sort of closure.

    It is admittedly the 'good' version of my father's life, and leaves out a lot, but it is what I think is most fitting.

    Masamichi Itoh was born in in Tokyo. His parents were Salvation Army officers working at a Salvation Army hospital.

    Funeral Biography of a Father

    They were Christians, which was very unusual for Japanese people at that time. While he was evacuated to the countryside during the war, he spent most of his youth in Tokyo. Years later he remembered always being hungry as a child, especially in the postwar period, and his mother struggling to feed six children.

    He was the oldest.

    From an early age he was very interested in America and learnin